Research shows that only 1 in 5 managers holds a Management and Leadership Qualification (MLQ), is it any wonder that there are issues over organisational management and leadership, such as generalization of roles and underperformance? This is why ET&C, in…
40% off Management & Leadership Programmes with ET&C
We have written several articles about the need for skills improvement, organisations undervaluing staff in regard to training and development, and the need to invest in the future. With this in mind, we are offering you a 40% discount on…
Generalization, the Graveyard of the Specialist?
The premise of this article is from a piece in Professional Manager, “Jacks of all Trades Damaging Business” (Winter 2014:14), and asks the question, are we as employees destined to be generalists despite our specialisms? It would seem so; bosses…
Time to Think?
Are managers and leaders missing out on the opportunity to further develop their work and business, by focusing too much on doing rather than thinking? Many successful people have credited their success to the ability to devote time and space…
A Necessary Evil?
You are a liar, admit it, you are! Whilst this may be rather a confrontational way to start an article, nine million of us tell lies in the workplace every day according to the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), (“You’re A…
The Importance of Training and Development
In recent weeks we have devoted a number of articles to individual development, and how this can improve work place opportunities, as well as providing a competitive edge. More recently we explored underdeveloped skills and knowledge that individuals may have…
The Candidate that got Away!
We are all aware of the importance of recruitment and selection, many of us have gone through the process on a number of occasions as either the potential candidate, or the interviewer, but what do we actually know, and/or understand…
Are SME Managers Neglected?
Whilst you may consider this to be a bizarre proposition, arguably the evidence, (discussions with managers, employees, and work place performance reviews), suggests yes. However, we should explore this in context, and consider what we mean by neglect. Neglect: suffering…
The Chartered Manager
As we reviewed in our previous article, The Professional Manager, greater importance is being placed upon standing out from the crowd in these times of hyper-competitiveness. Here at Endeavour Training & Consultancy (ET&C) we are always looking for ways to…